Revit/Revit API

[레빗 API 시작하기] Revit Family Lab4 - Add Visibility Control_CS

Crony 2014. 1. 8. 13:48

Revit Family Lab4 - Add Visibility Control_CS

Family Lab4 - Add Visibility Control_CS_번역.docx


RvtCmd_FamilyCreateColumnFormulaMaterial - 기둥패밀리를 만들어서 공식및 재질 적용하는 클래스


RvApp - 응용프로그램의 멤버변수

RvDoc - 작업하는 문서의 멤버변수


// IExternalCommand 함수를 상속받아서 클래스를 시작하기

Execute(ExternalCommandData, string, ElementSet)

// Metric Column.rft 템플릿 파일에서 작업하는 확인하기


// L자형에 해당하는 참조면 2개 만들기


// mm단위로 입력된 값을 피트단위로 변경

mmToFeet(double) // 도움함수

// L자형 기둥에 해당하는 솔리드 모델 만들기


// mm단위로 입력된 값을 피트단위로 변경

mmToFeet(double) // 도움함수

// L자형의 프로파일 만들기


// mm단위로 입력된 값을 피트단위로 변경

mmToFeet(double) // 도움함수

// 미적용: 직사각형 프로파일 만들기


// mm단위로 입력된 값을 피트단위로 변경

mmToFeet(double) // 도움함수

// 생성된 솔리드의 면을 참조면에 맟추어서 정렬


// 참조면에서 객체의 기준좌표와 일치하는 면을 찾기

findFace(Extrusion, XYZ, ReferencePlane) // 도움함수

// 객체의 기준좌표와 일치하는 면을 찾기

findFace(Extrusion, XYZ) // 도움함수

// 해당되는 타입의 뷰이름과 일치하는 요소를 찾기

findElement(Type, string)

// 두께에 해당하는 파라미터 생성


// mm단위로 입력된 값을 피트단위로 변경

mmToFeet(double) // 도움함수

// 두께에 해당하는 치수를 작성하고 생선된 파라미터 적용하기


// 기둥의 크기에 대한 유형을 입력하기


// 유형이름, 폭, 너비, 두께를 입력받아 새로운 유형을 만들기

addType(string, double, double, double, double)

// mm단위로 입력된 값을 피트단위로 변경

mmToFeet(double) // 도움함수

// 미적용: 유형이름, 폭, 너비를 입력받아 새로운 유형을 만들기

addType(string, double, double)

// mm단위로 입력된 값을 피트단위로 변경

mmToFeet(double) // 도움함수

// 매개변수에 공식을 대입하기


// 생성된 솔리드 객체에 유리재질 적용하기


// Detail Level: Coares 에서 표시될 모델라인 작성하기


// 가시성 조정하기


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; // in System.Core 
using Autodesk.Revit;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices;

namespace FamilyCs
  class RvtCmd_FamilyCreateColumnVisibility : IExternalCommand
    // member variables for top level access to the Revit database
    Application _app;
    Document _doc;

    // command main
    public Result Execute(
      ExternalCommandData commandData,
      ref string message,
      ElementSet elements)
      // objects for the top level access
      _app = commandData.Application.Application;
      _doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

      // (0) This command works in the context of family editor only.
      //     We also check if the template is for an appropriate category if needed.
      //     Here we use a Column(i.e., Metric Column.rft) template.
      //     Although there is no specific checking about metric or imperial, our lab only works in metric for now.
      if (!isRightTemplate(BuiltInCategory.OST_Columns))
        Util.ErrorMsg("Please open Metric Column.rft");
        return Result.Failed;

      // (1.1) add reference planes

      // (1.2) create a simple extrusion. We create a L-shape extrusion.
      Extrusion pSolid = createSolid();

      // (2) add alignment

      // (3.1) add parameters

      // (3.2) add dimensions

      // (3.3) add types

      // (4.1) add formulas

      // (4.2) add materials

      // 가시성 설정하기

      // finally return
      return Result.Succeeded;

    // ============================================
    //   (0) check if we have a correct template
    // ============================================
    bool isRightTemplate(BuiltInCategory targetCategory)
      // This command works in the context of family editor only.
      if (!_doc.IsFamilyDocument)
        Util.ErrorMsg("This command works only in the family editor.");
        return false;

      // Check the template for an appropriate category here if needed.
      Category cat = _doc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(targetCategory);
      if (_doc.OwnerFamily == null)
        Util.ErrorMsg("This command only works in the family context.");
        return false;
      if (!cat.Id.Equals(_doc.OwnerFamily.FamilyCategory.Id))
        Util.ErrorMsg("Category of this family document does not match the context required by this command.");
        return false;

      // if we come here, we should have a right one.
      return true;

    // ==============================
    //   (1.1) add reference planes
    // ==============================
    void addReferencePlanes()
      // we are defining a simple L-shape profile like the following:
      //  5 tw 4
      //   +-+
      //   | | 3          h = height
      // d | +---+ 2
      //   +-----+ td
      //  0        1
      //  6  w
      // we want to add ref planes along (1) 2-3 and (2)3-4.
      // Name them "OffsetH" and "OffsetV" respectively. (H for horizontal, V for vertical).
      double tw = mmToFeet(150.0);  // thickness added for Lab2.  Hard-coding for simplicity.
      double td = mmToFeet(150.0);

      // (1) add a horizonal ref plane 2-3.
      // get a plan view
      View pViewPlan = (View)findElement(typeof(ViewPlan), "Lower Ref. Level");

      // we have predefined ref plane: Left/Right/Front/Back
      // get the ref plane at Front, which is aligned to line 2-3
      ReferencePlane refFront = (ReferencePlane)findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Front");

      // get the bubble and free ends from front ref plane and offset by td.
      XYZ p1 = refFront.BubbleEnd;
      XYZ p2 = refFront.FreeEnd;
      XYZ pBubbleEnd = new XYZ(p1.X, p1.Y + td, p1.Z);
      XYZ pFreeEnd = new XYZ(p2.X, p2.Y + td, p2.Z);

      // create a new one reference plane and name it "OffsetH"
      ReferencePlane refPlane = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewReferencePlane(pBubbleEnd, pFreeEnd, XYZ.BasisZ, pViewPlan);
      refPlane.Name = "OffsetH";

      // (2) do the same to add a vertical reference plane.

      // find the ref plane at left, which is aligned to line 3-4
      ReferencePlane refLeft = (ReferencePlane)findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Left");

      // get the bubble and free ends from front ref plane and offset by td.
      p1 = refLeft.BubbleEnd;
      p2 = refLeft.FreeEnd;
      pBubbleEnd = new XYZ(p1.X + tw, p1.Y, p1.Z);
      pFreeEnd = new XYZ(p2.X + tw, p2.Y, p2.Z);

      // create a new reference plane and name it "OffsetV"
      refPlane = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewReferencePlane(pBubbleEnd, pFreeEnd, XYZ.BasisZ, pViewPlan);
      refPlane.Name = "OffsetV";

    // =================================================================
    //   (1.2) create a simple solid by extrusion with L-shape profile
    // =================================================================
    Extrusion createSolid()
      // (1) define a simple L-shape profile
      CurveArrArray pProfile = createProfileLShape();

      // (2) create a sketch plane
      // we need to know the template. If you look at the template (Metric Column.rft) and "Front" view,
      // you will see "Reference Plane" at "Lower Ref. Level". We are going to create an extrusion there.
      // findElement() is a helper function that find an element of the given type and name.  see below.
      ReferencePlane pRefPlane = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Reference Plane") as ReferencePlane;  // need to know from the template
      //SketchPlane pSketchPlane = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane(pRefPlane.Plane);  // Revit 2013
      SketchPlane pSketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(_doc, pRefPlane.Plane);  // Revit 2014

      // (3) height of the extrusion
      // same as profile, you will need to know your template. unlike UI, the alightment will not adjust the geometry.
      // You will need to have the exact location in order to set alignment.
      // Here we hard code for simplicity. 4000 is the distance between Lower and Upper Ref. Level.
      // as an exercise, try changing those values and see how it behaves.
      double dHeight = mmToFeet(4000.0);

      // (4) create an extrusion here. at this point. just an box, nothing else.
      bool bIsSolid = true;  // as oppose to void.
      return _doc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusion(bIsSolid, pProfile, pSketchPlane, dHeight);

    // ===========================================
    //   (1.2a) create a simple L-shaped profile
    // ===========================================
    CurveArrArray createProfileLShape()
      // define a simple L-shape profile
      //  5 tw 4
      //   +-+
      //   | | 3          h = height
      // d | +---+ 2
      //   +-----+ td
      //  0        1
      //  6  w

      // sizes (hard coded for simplicity)
      // note: these need to match reference plane. otherwise, alignment won't work.
      // as an exercise, try changing those values and see how it behaves.
      double w = mmToFeet(600.0); // those are hard coded for simplicity here. in practice, you may want to find out from the references)
      double d = mmToFeet(600.0);
      double tw = mmToFeet(150.0); // thickness added for Lab2
      double td = mmToFeet(150.0);

      // define vertices
      const int nVerts = 6; // the number of vertices

      XYZ[] pts = new XYZ[] {
        new XYZ(-w / 2.0, -d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(w / 2.0, -d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(w / 2.0, (-d / 2.0) + td, 0.0),
        new XYZ((-w / 2.0) + tw, (-d / 2.0) + td, 0.0),
        new XYZ((-w / 2.0) + tw, d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(-w / 2.0, d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(-w / 2.0, -d / 2.0, 0.0) }; // the last one is to make the loop simple

      // define a loop. define individual edges and put them in a curveArray
      CurveArray pLoop = _app.Create.NewCurveArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i)
        //Line line = _app.Create.NewLineBound(pts[i], pts[i + 1]);  // Revit 2013
        Line line = Line.CreateBound(pts[i], pts[i + 1]);  // Revit 2014

      // then, put the loop in the curveArrArray as a profile
      CurveArrArray pProfile = _app.Create.NewCurveArrArray();
      // if we come here, we have a profile now.

      return pProfile;

    // ==============================================
    //   (1.2b) create a simple rectangular profile
    // ==============================================
    CurveArrArray createProfileRectangle()
      // define a simple rectangular profile
      //  3     2
      //   +---+
      //   |   | d    h = height
      //   +---+
      //  0     1
      //  4  w

      // sizes (hard coded for simplicity)
      // note: these need to match reference plane. otherwise, alignment won't work.
      // as an exercise, try changing those values and see how it behaves.
      double w = mmToFeet(600.0);
      double d = mmToFeet(600.0);

      // define vertices
      const int nVerts = 4; // the number of vertices

      XYZ[] pts = new XYZ[] {
        new XYZ(-w / 2.0, -d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(w / 2.0, -d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(w / 2.0, d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(-w / 2.0, d / 2.0, 0.0),
        new XYZ(-w / 2.0, -d / 2.0, 0.0) };

      // define a loop. define individual edges and put them in a curveArray
      CurveArray pLoop = _app.Create.NewCurveArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i)
        //Line line = _app.Create.NewLineBound(pts[i], pts[i + 1]);  // Revit 2013
        Line line = Line.CreateBound(pts[i], pts[i + 1]);  // Revit 2014

      // then, put the loop in the curveArrArray as a profile
      CurveArrArray pProfile = _app.Create.NewCurveArrArray();
      // if we come here, we have a profile now.

      return pProfile;

    // ======================================
    //   (2.1) add alignments
    // ======================================
    void addAlignments(Extrusion pBox)
      // (1) we want to constrain the upper face of the column to the "Upper Ref Level"

      // which direction are we looking at?
      View pView = findElement(typeof(View), "Front") as View;

      // find the upper ref level
      // findElement() is a helper function. see below.
      Level upperLevel = findElement(typeof(Level), "Upper Ref Level") as Level;
      Reference ref1 = upperLevel.PlaneReference;

      // find the face of the box
      // findFace() is a helper function. see below.
      PlanarFace upperFace = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); // find a face whose normal is z-up.
      Reference ref2 = upperFace.Reference;

      // create alignments
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pView, ref1, ref2);

      // (2) do the same for the lower level

      // find the lower ref level
      // findElement() is a helper function. see below.
      Level lowerLevel = findElement(typeof(Level), "Lower Ref. Level") as Level;
      Reference ref3 = lowerLevel.PlaneReference;

      // find the face of the box
      // findFace() is a helper function. see below.
      PlanarFace lowerFace = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)); // find a face whose normal is z-down.
      Reference ref4 = lowerFace.Reference;

      // create alignments
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pView, ref3, ref4);

      // (3)  same idea for the Right/Left/Front/Back
      // get the plan view
      // note: same name maybe used for different view types. either one should work.
      View pViewPlan = findElement(typeof(ViewPlan), "Lower Ref. Level") as View;

      // find reference planes
      ReferencePlane refRight = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Right") as ReferencePlane;
      ReferencePlane refLeft = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Left") as ReferencePlane;
      ReferencePlane refFront = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Front") as ReferencePlane;
      ReferencePlane refBack = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Back") as ReferencePlane;
      ReferencePlane refOffsetV = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "OffsetV") as ReferencePlane; // added for L-shape
      ReferencePlane refOffsetH = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "OffsetH") as ReferencePlane; // added for L-shape

      // find the face of the box
      // Note: findFace need to be enhanced for this as face normal is not enough to determine the face.
      PlanarFace faceRight = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), refRight); // modified for L-shape
      PlanarFace faceLeft = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
      PlanarFace faceFront = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(0.0, -1.0, 0.0));
      PlanarFace faceBack = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), refBack); // modified for L-shape
      PlanarFace faceOffsetV = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), refOffsetV); // added for L-shape
      PlanarFace faceOffsetH = findFace(pBox, new XYZ(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), refOffsetH); // added for L-shape

      // create alignments
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pViewPlan, refRight.Reference, faceRight.Reference);
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pViewPlan, refLeft.Reference, faceLeft.Reference);
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pViewPlan, refFront.Reference, faceFront.Reference);
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pViewPlan, refBack.Reference, faceBack.Reference);
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pViewPlan, refOffsetV.Reference, faceOffsetV.Reference); // added for L-shape
      _doc.FamilyCreate.NewAlignment(pViewPlan, refOffsetH.Reference, faceOffsetH.Reference); // added for L-shape

    // ======================================
    //   (3.1) add parameters
    // ======================================
    void addParameters()
      FamilyManager mgr = _doc.FamilyManager;

      // API parameter group for Dimension is PG_GEOMETRY:
      FamilyParameter paramTw = mgr.AddParameter(
        "Tw", BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GEOMETRY,
        ParameterType.Length, false);

      FamilyParameter paramTd = mgr.AddParameter(
        "Td", BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GEOMETRY,
        ParameterType.Length, false);

      // set initial values:
      double tw = mmToFeet(150.0);
      double td = mmToFeet(150.0);
      mgr.Set(paramTw, tw);
      mgr.Set(paramTd, td);

      // (2)  add a parameter for material finish
      // we are adding material arameter in addMaterials function. 
      // See addMaterials for the actual implementation.

    // ======================================
    //   (3.2) add dimensions
    // ======================================
    void addDimensions()
      // find the plan view
      View pViewPlan = findElement(typeof(ViewPlan), "Lower Ref. Level") as View;

      // find reference planes
      ReferencePlane refLeft = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Left") as ReferencePlane;
      ReferencePlane refFront = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Front") as ReferencePlane;
      ReferencePlane refOffsetV = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "OffsetV") as ReferencePlane; // OffsetV is added for L-shape
      ReferencePlane refOffsetH = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "OffsetH") as ReferencePlane; // OffsetH is added for L-shape

      // (1)  add dimension between the reference planes 'Left' and 'OffsetV', and label it as 'Tw'

      // define a dimension line
      XYZ p0 = refLeft.FreeEnd;
      XYZ p1 = refOffsetV.FreeEnd;
      //Line pLine = _app.Create.NewLineBound(p0, p1);  // Revit 2013
      Line pLine = Line.CreateBound(p0, p1);

      // define references
      ReferenceArray pRefArray = new ReferenceArray();

      // create a dimension
      Dimension pDimTw = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewDimension(pViewPlan, pLine, pRefArray);

      // add label to the dimension
      FamilyParameter paramTw = _doc.FamilyManager.get_Parameter("Tw");
      //pDimTw.Label = paramTw;  // Revit 2013
      pDimTw.FamilyLabel = paramTw;  // Revit 2014

      // (2)  do the same for dimension between 'Front' and 'OffsetH', and lable it as 'Td'

      // define a dimension line
      p0 = refFront.FreeEnd;
      p1 = refOffsetH.FreeEnd;
      //pLine = _app.Create.NewLineBound(p0, p1); // Revit 2013
      pLine =Line.CreateBound(p0, p1);  // Revit 2014

      // define references
      pRefArray = new ReferenceArray();

      // create a dimension
      Dimension pDimTd = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewDimension(pViewPlan, pLine, pRefArray);

      // add label to the dimension
      FamilyParameter paramTd = _doc.FamilyManager.get_Parameter("Td");
      //pDimTd.Label = paramTd;  // Revit 2013
      pDimTd.FamilyLabel = paramTd;

    // ======================================
    //   (3.3) add types
    // ======================================
    void addTypes()
      // addType(name, Width, Depth)
      //addType("600x900", 600.0, 900.0)
      //addType("1000x300", 1000.0, 300.0)
      //addType("600x600", 600.0, 600.0)

      // addType(name, Width, Depth, Tw, Td)
      addType("600x900", 600.0, 900.0, 150.0, 225.0);
      addType("1000x300", 1000.0, 300.0, 250.0, 75.0);
      addType("600x600", 600.0, 600.0, 150.0, 150.0);

    // add one type (version 2)
    void addType(string name, double w, double d, double tw, double td)
      // get the family manager from the current doc
      FamilyManager pFamilyMgr = _doc.FamilyManager;

      // add new types with the given name
      FamilyType type1 = pFamilyMgr.NewType(name);

      // look for 'Width' and 'Depth' parameters and set them to the given value

      // first 'Width'
      FamilyParameter paramW = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Width");
      double valW = mmToFeet(w);
      if (paramW != null)
        pFamilyMgr.Set(paramW, valW);

      // same idea for 'Depth'
      FamilyParameter paramD = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Depth");
      double valD = mmToFeet(d);
      if (paramD != null)
        pFamilyMgr.Set(paramD, valD);

      // let's set "Tw' and 'Td'
      FamilyParameter paramTw = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Tw");
      double valTw = mmToFeet(tw);
      if (paramTw != null)
        pFamilyMgr.Set(paramTw, valTw);
      FamilyParameter paramTd = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Td");
      double valTd = mmToFeet(td);
      if (paramTd != null)
        pFamilyMgr.Set(paramTd, valTd);

    // add one type (version 1)
    void addType(string name, double w, double d)
      // get the family manager from the current doc
      FamilyManager pFamilyMgr = _doc.FamilyManager;

      // add new types with the given name
      FamilyType type1 = pFamilyMgr.NewType(name);

      // look for 'Width' and 'Depth' parameters and set them to the given value
      // first 'Width'
      FamilyParameter paramW = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Width");
      double valW = mmToFeet(w);
      if (paramW != null)
        pFamilyMgr.Set(paramW, valW);

      // same idea for 'Depth'
      FamilyParameter paramD = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Depth");
      double valD = mmToFeet(d);
      if (paramD != null)
        pFamilyMgr.Set(paramD, valD);

    // ======================================
    //  (4.1) add formula
    // ======================================
    public void addFormulas()
      // we will add the following fomulas
      //   Tw = Width / 4.0
      //   Td = Depth / 4.0

      // first get the parameter
      FamilyManager pFamilyMgr = _doc.FamilyManager;

      FamilyParameter paramTw = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Tw");
      FamilyParameter paramTd = pFamilyMgr.get_Parameter("Td");

      // set the formula
      pFamilyMgr.SetFormula(paramTw, "Width / 4.0");
      pFamilyMgr.SetFormula(paramTd, "Depth / 4.0");

    // ======================================
    //  (4.2) add materials
    // ======================================
    // in Revit 2010, you cannot modify asset.
    // SPR# 155053 - WishList: Ability to access\modify properties in Render Appearance of Materials using API.
    // To Do in future: you can extend this functionality to create a new one in future.
    // This function is only for reference.  this is not used. If use this way, it is fixed at solid level. You cannot change it.
    public void addMaterialsToSolid(Extrusion pSolid)
      // We assume Material type "Glass" exists. Template "Metric Column.rft" include "Glass",
      // which in fact is the only interesting one to see the effect.
      // In practice, you will want to include in your template.
      // To Do: For the exersize, create it with more appropriate ones in UI, then use the name here.
      Material pMat = findElement(typeof(Material), "Glass") as Material;
      if (pMat != null)
        // no material with the given name.
        ElementId idMat = pMat.Id;

    public void addMaterials(Extrusion pSolid)
      // We assume Material type "Glass" exists. Template "Metric Column.rft" include "Glass",
      // which in fact is the only interesting one to see the effect.
      // In practice, you will want to include in your template.
      // To Do: For the exersize, create it with more appropriate ones in UI, then use the name here.

      // (1)  get the materials id that we are intersted in (e.g., "Glass")
      Material pMat = findElement(typeof(Material), "Glass") as Material;
      if (pMat != null)
        ElementId idMat = pMat.Id;
        // (2a) this add a material to the solid base.  but then, we cannot change it for each column.

        // (2b) add a parameter for material finish
        // this time we use instance parameter so that we can change it at instance level.
        FamilyManager pFamilyMgr = _doc.FamilyManager;
        FamilyParameter famParamFinish = pFamilyMgr.AddParameter("ColumnFinish", BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_MATERIALS, ParameterType.Material, true);

        // (2b.1) associate material parameter to the family parameter we just added
        Parameter paramMat = pSolid.get_Parameter("Material");
        pFamilyMgr.AssociateElementParameterToFamilyParameter(paramMat, famParamFinish);

        // (2b.2) for our convenience, let's add another type with Glass finish
        addType("Glass", 600.0, 600.0);
        pFamilyMgr.Set(famParamFinish, idMat);

    // 메소드 구문: 상세수준에 따라서 표현될 간단한 선 객체 생성하기
    public void addLineObjects()
      // define a simple L-shape detail line object
      //  0
      //   +        h = height
      //   |        (we also want to draw a vertical line here at point 1)
      // d |
      //   +-----+
      //  1       2
      //      w

      // sizes
      double w = mmToFeet(600.0); // modified to match reference plane. otherwise, alignment won't work.
      double d = mmToFeet(600.0);
      double h = mmToFeet(4000.0); // distance between Lower and Upper Ref Level.
      double t = mmToFeet(50.0); // slight offset for visbility

      // define vertices
      XYZ[] pts = new XYZ[] { new XYZ((-w / 2.0) + t, d / 2.0, 0.0), new XYZ((-w / 2.0) + t, (-d / 2.0) + t, 0.0), new XYZ(w / 2.0, (-d / 2.0) + t, 0.0) };
      XYZ ptH = new XYZ((-w / 2.0) + t, (-d / 2.0) + t, h);  // this is for vertical line.

      // (2) create a sketch plane
      // we need to know the template. If you look at the template (Metric Column.rft) and "Front" view,
      // you will see "Reference Plane" at "Lower Ref. Level". We are going to create a sketch plane there.
      // findElement() is a helper function that find an element of the given type and name.  see below.
      // Note: we did the same in creating a profile.
      ReferencePlane pRefPlane = findElement(typeof(ReferencePlane), "Reference Plane") as ReferencePlane;
      //SketchPlane pSketchPlane = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane(pRefPlane.Plane);  // Revit 2013
      SketchPlane pSketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(_doc, pRefPlane.Plane);  // Revit 2014

      // for vertical line, we draw a straight vertical line at the point[1] 
      XYZ normal = new XYZ(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      Plane pGeomPlaneH = _app.Create.NewPlane(normal, pts[1]);
      //SketchPlane pSketchPlaneH = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewSketchPlane(pGeomPlaneH);  // Revit 2013
      SketchPlane pSketchPlaneH = SketchPlane.Create(_doc, pGeomPlaneH);  // Revit 2014

      // (3) create line objects: two symbolic curves on a plan and one model curve representing a column like a vertical stick.
      // Revit 2013
      //Line geomLine1 = _app.Create.NewLine(pts[0], pts[1], true);
      //Line geomLine2 = _app.Create.NewLine(pts[1], pts[2], true);
      //Line geomLineH = _app.Create.NewLine(pts[1], ptH, true);

      // Revit 2014
      Line geomLine1 = Line.CreateBound(pts[0], pts[1]);
      Line geomLine2 = Line.CreateBound(pts[1], pts[2]);
      //Line geomLineH = _app.Create.NewLine(pts[1], ptH, true); // Revit 2013
      Line geomLineH = Line.CreateBound(pts[1], ptH);
      SymbolicCurve pLine1 = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewSymbolicCurve(geomLine1, pSketchPlane);
      SymbolicCurve pLine2 = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewSymbolicCurve(geomLine2, pSketchPlane);

      ModelCurve pLineH = _doc.FamilyCreate.NewModelCurve(geomLineH, pSketchPlaneH); // this is vertical line

      // set the visibilities of two lines to coarse only
      FamilyElementVisibility pVis = new FamilyElementVisibility(FamilyElementVisibilityType.ViewSpecific);
      pVis.IsShownInFine = false;
      pVis.IsShownInMedium = false;


      FamilyElementVisibility pVisH = new FamilyElementVisibility(FamilyElementVisibilityType.Model);
      pVisH.IsShownInFine = false;
      pVisH.IsShownInMedium = false;


    // 메소드 구문: 상세수준에 따라서 솔리드 객체의 가시성 설정하기
    public void changeVisibility(Extrusion pSolid)
      // set the visibility of the model not to shown in coarse.
      FamilyElementVisibility pVis = new FamilyElementVisibility(FamilyElementVisibilityType.Model);
      pVis.IsShownInCoarse = false;


    #region Helper Functions

    // =============================================================================================
    //  helper function: given a solid, find a planar face with the given normal (version 2)
    //  this is a slightly enhaced version of previous version and checks if the face is on the given reference plane.
    // =============================================================================================
    PlanarFace findFace(Extrusion pBox, XYZ normal, ReferencePlane refPlane)
      // get the geometry object of the given element
      Options op = new Options();
      op.ComputeReferences = true;
      GeometryElement geomElem = pBox.get_Geometry(op);

      // loop through the array and find a face with the given normal
      foreach (GeometryObject geomObj in geomElem)
        if (geomObj is Solid) // solid is what we are interested in.
          Solid pSolid = geomObj as Solid;
          FaceArray faces = pSolid.Faces;
          foreach (Face pFace in faces)
            PlanarFace pPlanarFace = pFace as PlanarFace;
            // check to see if they have same normal
            if ((pPlanarFace != null) && pPlanarFace.Normal.IsAlmostEqualTo(normal))
              // additionally, we want to check if the face is on the reference plane
              XYZ p0 = refPlane.BubbleEnd;
              XYZ p1 = refPlane.FreeEnd;
              // Line pCurve = _app.Create.NewLineBound(p0, p1); // Revit 2013
              Line pCurve = Line.CreateBound(p0, p1);  // Revit 2014
              if (pPlanarFace.Intersect(pCurve) == SetComparisonResult.Subset)
                return pPlanarFace; // we found the face

        // will come back later as needed.
        //else if (geomObj is Instance)
        //else if (geomObj is Curve)
        //else if (geomObj is Mesh)

      // if we come here, we did not find any.
      return null;

    // =============================================================
    //  helper function: find a planar face with the given normal
    // =============================================================
    PlanarFace findFace(Extrusion pBox, XYZ normal)
      // get the geometry object of the given element
      Options op = new Options();
      op.ComputeReferences = true;
      GeometryElement geomElem = pBox.get_Geometry(op);

      // loop through the array and find a face with the given normal
      foreach (GeometryObject geomObj in geomElem)
        if (geomObj is Solid)  // solid is what we are interested in.
          Solid pSolid = (Solid)geomObj;
          FaceArray faces = pSolid.Faces;
          foreach (Face pFace in faces)
            PlanarFace pPlanarFace = (PlanarFace)pFace;
            if ((pPlanarFace != null) && pPlanarFace.Normal.IsAlmostEqualTo(normal)) // we found the face
              return pPlanarFace;

        // will come back later as needed.
        //else if (geomObj is Instance)
        //else if (geomObj is Curve)
        //else if (geomObj is Mesh)

      // if we come here, we did not find any.
      return null;

    // ==================================================================================
    //  helper function: find an element of the given type and the name.
    //  You can use this, for example, to find Reference or Level with the given name.
    // ==================================================================================
    Element findElement(Type targetType, string targetName)
      // get the elements of the given type
      FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(_doc);
      collector.WherePasses(new ElementClassFilter(targetType));

      // parse the collection for the given name
      // using LINQ query here. 
      var targetElems = from element in collector where element.Name.Equals(targetName) select element;
      List elems = targetElems.ToList();

      if (elems.Count > 0)
      {  // we should have only one with the given name. 
        return elems[0];

      // cannot find it.
      return null;

    // ===============================================
    //   helper function: convert millimeter to feet
    // ===============================================
    double mmToFeet(double mmVal)
      return mmVal / 304.8;

    #endregion // Helper Functions